Each situation requires different solutions and strategies - in all 4 cases, GPS4Sales can help.

With our "A" team of professional sales leaders in many industries such as High Tech, Mid Tech, Low Tech, Medical Biotech, Services, Financial, Retail, Hospitality, International Trade, and General Business, we are here to share our wisdom and expertise.

Our Mission is to provide you with a complete set of tools for each step of your business and earn the right to be your #1 service provider.

Your Journey Begins Here - New Services that solves Critical Problems in each stage and situation

Nikolai Zavadsky discussing Business topics with Governor of Nevada - Brian Sandoval

This Program will be Managed by Nikolai Zavadsky. After graduating with a BSEE degree from the University of Dayton he entered the field of Technical Sales. With 5 years of successful Sales Career he was recruited to manage a Sales Team at Tektronix in Syracuse NY. After a rough and difficult start (no idea what do and why ) he lead his team to be ranked #2 out of 26 districts for 2 consecutive years. After moving to SF Bay Area he worked with several Silicone Valley companies as a Sales Leader. He later started Global Bridge which specialized in trading with Russia, (made 26 Trips to Russia Far East) selling Food items, computers, and Training. Few years later he was recruited by a Biotech Start up specializing in Cancer Diagnostics. As Director of Sales he managed a Team of 45 Professionals (Inside Sales, Outside Sales, Field Service, Tech Support and Customer Training Center). Under his Leadership Sales Revenues increased from $2M to $48M in 10 years. As a part time hobby he was a Senior Trainer for all of Dale Carnegie Programs (Sales, Advanced Sales Strategies, Management, Leadership and High Impact Presentations) and was ranked in the top 1% of all the trainers worldwide. He also had had the opportunity to live in China, Brazil, Puerto Rico and US. GPS4SALES has a Team of highly experienced and Effective Professionals to provide our clients with Innovative Solutions to any Sales or Business Challenge.


Your journey for reaching the American Dream:

It all starts with an idea - could be a product or a needed service. In your "AHA" moment you get the dream idea, define it, think some more, do research and share it with your friends and people that you respect. Getting their feedback, make few adjustments and get some financing in place (your own or friends). You start hiring a small staff and your first salesperson. Within a few weeks you determine that this new salesperson needs sales training, so you contact GPS4SALES and get this person enrolled in a "TRAINING" program. As your program/service idea gets acceptance in the marketplace you hire a few more salespeople and other staff and get them Trained as well. When you hire your third or fourth salesperson you find that you do not have the time to manage or lead them as you have other pressing problems to solve so you contact GPS4SALES and use their "Fractional SALES MANAGER" service at a very low cost. They specialize in managing small sales teams (under 10) by providing all of the critical sales management functions, and by using their "shared resource" model which means they may have 3 to 5 non-competitive clients thus providing you with large savings as opposed to hiring your own full-times sales manager.

By the time you hire your 8th+ salesperson you are ready to have your own full time sales manager. You have many talented salespeople and you know for morale that it is best to promote one person rather than hire from outside. So you promote one of your salespeople to a sales management position. Within a few weeks you see that person struggle in solving basic management issues and the sales skills that got that person noticed is quite different from that required for a sales manager. You read that 40% of the First-Time Sales Managers Fail within the first 18 months and only 5% will exceed the senior managers expectations. You contact GPS4SALES and get the new sales managers enrolled in their "FIRST TIME SALES MANAGER" program, which is a 1 year professional program designed to make your new manager to be in the elite 5%.

In the mean time you start getting vacancies at management levels in other departments. Since it take time to hire a manager with experience that will fit with your culture, you contact GPS4SALES for their "INTERIM MANAGER" program, which will provide you with Management Skills to lead your team tomorrow for a 3 to 12 month assignment.

As growth continues and your First Time Manager does indeed end up in the elite 5% and he/she wants to stay there, in order to continue learning he/she joins "SALES LEADERSHIP COUNCIL," which is like the CEO club for senior managers but this one is only for Sales Leaders. They meet once per month for an exciting and informative meeting which provides additional tools for success. It makes a huge difference to continue learning the latest trends and skills.

You are a huge success. It is time to celebrate your achievements with your team by inviting them to join you for a Retreat. In this Retreat you may need to make critical decisions, perhaps do a M&A, find creative solutions to solve your competitor's aggressive tactics, develop a turn-around plan and/or just time to relax and have Fun. You contact GPS4SALES and use their "RETREATS" services and they will develop an effective agenda and facilitate your first off-site retreat.

Things are going well and with over 200 employees on board you are thinking about a possible M&A, perhaps getting additional investments to grow faster or going public in the near future. One of the keys is reliable source of sales revenues and really finding out if your sales team or the target company that you are considering merging with or buying meets the gold standard of an Effective Sales Team. By contacting GPS4SALES you find out that they provide a "SALES TEAM REVIEWS" service that actually does that. They send a team to access the sales team, go on sales calls with them, do a SWOT Analysis, interview their customers and base their score on a 11 KPI (Key Performance Indicators). With this information, you make a wise decision.

As you continue to grow, you find that consistently having to find outside talent may not be the best strategy. As you start thinking "is there a better way," you get an email from GPS4SALES announcing their new "UR LEARNING CENTER" service. This goes well beyond having a training department and it is a comprehensive plan to provide continual Learning as a life-time culture to all of your employees. It is based on the fact "it is not what you know that makes a difference, it is what skills you use." They have career counseling sessions with each of your employees, develop skill development plans, provide guidance, discuss training options, keep records of the training and have a "Skill Use Plan" for my employees. They come to my HQ and spend 1 or 2 days with senior managers, staff, and employees, and the best part is that they provide well known training at discount prices due to their huge buying power. This is something that only Fortune 500 companies do by elevating this to CLO (Chief Learning Officer) positions, and GPS4SALES brings this to small and mid-size companies.

Life is Great, and everything is moving in the right direction. You have time for your family and hobbies - this is living The American Dream.

NEW SERVICE: Now offering CPR4SALES for companies in the red, needing drastic action, not words to increase sales immediately (Not 6-12 months). Our CPR Sales SWAT team can quite often do the impossible.


GPS4SALES is proud to offer Soft Skills Seminars and Workshops for lasting skill developments.

Seminars are shorter, typically 90 minutes, 180 minutes, or one full day.

Workshops are more comprehensive and last between 2 to 7 days, depending on topics and depth.


  1. New Time Management Tools for the busy person
  2. Working with Jerks (people that you do not like nor respect)
  3. Communications Skills For the Digital Age
  4. Career: From No Track to Fast Track
  5. Conflict Management
  6. Stress - Manage it or it will Manage YOU
  7. Having Difficult Conversations
  8. BALANCE - time for work, family, and Fun
  9. Living a "No Excuse" Life
  10. Surviving and Thriving in Toxic Political Environments
  11. Conducting and Participating in Effective Meetings
  12. Mastering 21 Success Factors
  13. First Time Manager - Survival Guide and Tools
  14. Coaching and Mentoring - How, Why, and When
  1. "Closing" Sales
  2. Warning Signals
  3. Objection Handling
  4. Listening - What is really Said
  5. Brilliant Ideas Generator
  6. CPR 4 Sales
  7. Impossible to Possible
  8. The Best YOU
  9. Why Winners Win
  10. The One Thing
  11. Making Work Fun Again
  12. Developing Self-Confidence
  13. Team Building
  14. Recovering From Failure


  1. Sales Skills
  2. Advanced Sales Skills and Strategies
  3. Mastering Complex Sales Skills
  4. Supervision Skills
  5. Management Skills
  6. Leadership Development
  1. Building Strong and Effective Teams
  2. Development of Sales and/or Business Plans
  3. Creating Turn Around Plans and Strategies
  4. Confident Public Speaking
  5. "WOW" Presentation Skills
  6. First-Time Sales Manager

Small Investments yield huge results. Research shows that 81% of employees will stay with a company/organization if they are offered training to learn new skills. Invitation to join a "12" plan - one short seminar produces lower turnover and assists with getting fully engaged team members.

We do not offer Generic Training Programs that can be quite boring and ineffective - Instead we offer "GAP" Driven Training Programs. Why would you want to spend 3 days attending a generic Training Program knowing that you are very familiar with the topics that will be covered in the first two days?

The "GAP" Analysis based Training Programs do not cost more - They are just by far more effective in covering the needed knowledge and skill set needed for exceptional performance. These Training Programs can be done at your location, off-site, or at our Headquarters in Las Vegas.


If, if, if your sales team is less than 10 salespeople and you do not have a full-time sales manager, this is for you.

It is different to justify a full-time sales manager for smaller sales teams (1-9) and yet they need professional leadership, direction and coaching to drive sales.

As business owner/CEO, your options are:

  • Ask senior salesperson to supervise
  • Provide minimum management as time permits
  • Provide no management and hope for the best
All of these options do not produce optimum results - Now you have a new option: Outsource sales management function to us, providing you with Professional Sales Leadership that gets quick results at a lower cost.

How does this work? Smaller sales teams do not require full-time sales managers, so we use the "Shared Resource" model. Being Fractional means that your cost is shared among other Non-Competing Companies and you get the expertise, skills, knowledge and experience of a $250k Sales Leader.

As a Professional Sales Manager we will provide all of the functions plus some, including:
  • Sales Plan
  • Develop optimum sales process
  • Conduct Sales Meetings
  • Hire sales stars and manage non-performers
  • Go on sales calls to close large opportunities
  • Develop fair and motivational comp. plan
  • Conduct performance reviews
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Solve Complex problems
  • Develop sales strategies
  • Contribute to your senior managers
  • Manage sales quotas and accountability
  • Provide motivation and inspiration
  • Provide Leadership and direction
  • Sales Training
  • As sales grow - Groom your next sales manager
In most cases our clients see sales increase from 10% to 47% by using our "Fractional Sales Manager" service.


First-Time Sales Managers will quickly find out that the Sales Skills that got him/her promoted are very different from the skills required to Maximize this Opportunity.

Few facts to consider:

  1. 40% of First-Time Sales Managers will Fail within 18 months
  2. Only 5% of First-Time Sales Managers exceed Senior Managers expectations
  3. Most industries experience 50%+ turnover in Sales Hires within 24 months
  4. Salespeople are harder to Lead and Manage than any other employee
  5. On average it takes 3 to 5 years for First-Time Sales Manager to be between Semi to fully Effective
  6. It is more difficult to recruit star performers when the Sales Manager is semi-effective
  7. Semi-Effective Sales Managers will experience above average turnover and will not be able to maximize Sales Opportunities
  8. The Sales Skills that got you promoted or noticed are different from what you will need to Successfully Lead a Sales Team
  9. You will also hear "Why you and not me." Transition from being their friend to Leading them as a team is challenging, and that is why very few excel at this
Typical honeymoon period for First-Time Managers is very short. They don't start with being asked to solve easy problems first and a few years later more complex issues. On Day 1, they are expected to perform by solving the following challenges and situations.

#Challenging Situations
1Coaching - how, when, and why
2Sales Metrics, what to look for and understand what metrics don't show
390 day sales plan - 1 Year Sales Business Plan
4Measuring the quality of your team, is it good enough to handle challenges?
5Managing High Egos
6Handling HR issues in a timely manner
7Handling Negativity
8Performing SWOT Analysis
9Team Improvement Plan - Training, Coaching, Mentoring, Outside Vendor?
10Compensation Plan - is it Fair, motivational, does it support desired behavior
11Managing "Change" Successfully
12Sales Quotas/Objectives - follow the 90/115 plan
13Recruiting, Interviewing, Training and Retention Plan - is it working?
14Sales Meetings - solving why 90% of Salespeople do not like meetings
15Communicating with Senior Managers Effectively
16Making sure that Sales Efforts are in Sync with Marketing
17Managing Trade Shows and Special Events
18Managing Leads and Follow up plan to maximize new business opportunities
19Selling CRM Implementation, not to be used to Micro Manage
20Managing Expectations
21Conducting Effective Performance Reviews
22Handling complains from your team , co-workers or customers
23Handling Sales Cancellations, non performance issues or Lawsuits
24Solving Complex Issues
25Managing Expense Reports Policy and Administration
26Solving Behavioral issues at inception
27Solving Account and Territory disputes
28Negotiations Skills with Customers and Internal Team
29Provide Sales, Product and Soft Skills Training for Your Team
30Having Difficult Conversations
31Gaining Support from Senior Managers for your ideas
32Motivating and Providing Inspiration for your Team
33Consequences for missing Sales Targets/Objectives
343 Reasons to Travel or Observe your Salespeople on Sales Calls
35How to Deliver Bad News to your team
36Solving High Turnover and Morale issues
37Earning Trust from your Salespeople
38Time Management and Productivity tools for you and your team
39Recovering after major loss
10Being Confident in Decision Making
41Developing Performance Standards, KPI or PRD
42Create Positive Culture for your Team
43Making yourself more Valuable to your Organization
44Create Balance in six areas
45Knowing the difference between Leadership and Management
46Celebrate Wins and Successes - when and how
47Learn to have Fun being a First Time Manager
48Having Plan "B" - Key to Survival

Do you really expect a First-Time Sales Manager to Master the Skills to Solve these Challenges after attending a 3 day Management Training? And yet this is what is expected from this critical position. Perhaps this is why 40% of First-Time Sales Managers Fail within 18 months and only 5% achieve Excellence. Studies show that people attending Training Seminars will forget 75% of what was covered within 7 days and 90% in 2 weeks. Learning by Trial And Error is very Expensive in Lost Sales, Morale, Retention, and Health due to Stress.

Our Comprehensive Program Solves these problems by providing the needed Coaching, Training, Mentoring, Skill Building Exercises and New Ideas. It is built on the following steps:

1Initial Assessment: We meet with First Time Manager to Assess his/her Skills, Knowledge, Experience, Beliefs and Character. Meet the team (if applicable). Obtain Sales Revenues data for the last 3 + years by accounts/salesperson/territory/ products, trends and reasons for them. We will also meet with “select“ Senior Managers and the Boss to better understand the Organizational Culture, what is Expected from the First Time Sales Manager, their views/opinions on the Sales Department and solicit their ideas. Meeting with Senior Managers is critical because the Success of the First Time Sales Manager depends on earning Trust and Respect from Senior Managers, Co - Workers, Boss and their Sales Team. This will normally take 2+ days
2Jointly develop a 90 day plan, followed by 1 year plan. Start Providing Coaching/Mentoring, fully understand the Metrics and decide if new ones are needed. Provide the First Sales Management Training Session, by using bite size sessions every month to insure that learning and implementation takes place.
3On a quarterly basis we will meet to conduct a Business Review Session, find out what is working/not working and make adjustments if required. If applicable, we will meet with other Senior Managers to obtain their feedback regarding progress.
4Support: We will provide 24/7 support via email, phone, face time or face to face(if applicable) to assist in solving any critical issues. As part of Training we will provide additional relevant books and magazine articles to reinforce learning and skill development.
5We will continue this process for the next 12 months and make adjustments as required.

  1. Initial Assessment Meeting
  2. Weekly Check Up Contact/Meeting
  3. Monthly Scheduled Meetings via face time, Skype or Phone
  4. No long-term commitments
  5. Quarterly Business Review Meetings
  6. Risk Sharing model is also available
  7. Sales Manager Training, not Generic Management Training. Based on the First Time Sales Managers Skills and Knowledge we will develop a special Training session that will focus on the "GAP“ analysis (Required Skills versus Current Skill Set by the first Time Sales Manager). This will be given in 12 bite size pieces (1 to 2 hours/month) to insure understanding and execution.
  8. 24/7 Support


Something new, different, and effective. Just like the CEO club for CEOs - This one is just for Sales Leaders. They also need new innovative ideas, new skills, solutions to new challenges, different perspective and mentors/coaches that they respect.

Quite often Sales Leaders are caught in the middle. Typical Office day:

Comments from Senior Managers

  • "Why are we paying sales people so much?"
  • "They always complain about quality, product"
  • "Sales doesn't work hard enough"
  • "Why can't they sell more?"
  • "We have great products - why have a sales team?"
  • "Why can't sales be consistent?"
  • "Lazy sales team"
Sales Leader (You)

  • "Why Joe has all the good accounts?"
  • "Competition is better"
  • "Bad territory"
  • "What - No Raise?"
  • "Where is my expense check?"
  • "Our prices are too high"
  • "Impossible Quotas"
  • "No vision, bad quality & bad support"
Comments from Sales Staff

Have you ever been in this position? Where do you go for help?
  1. Your Boss?
  2. Your Sales Team?
  3. Your Family?
  4. Your Friends?
  5. SLC (Sales Leadership Council)
Yes, you can go to your Boss during the first 3 months of employment, but after that, you will start raising questions about your ability. Can you really get accurate answers from your sales team, family and friends? Maybe, but having "maybe" answers is not a winning strategy.

What is SLC (Sales Leadership Council)?
  1. Sales Leaders from non-competitive companies meet once a month to learn, share ideas, attend critical training needs, obtain new information, get coaching and mentoring, 24/7 support and participate in new networking sessions designed to get new accounts.
  2. Since the needs of Sales Leaders differ from industry and location, we offer 3 teams:
    1. Sales Leaders responsible for one office (could be inside and/or outside sales)
    2. Sales Leaders that are managing several offices (Regional or National)
    3. Global Sales Leaders that manage National and International Sales Teams
  3. Individual Coaching/Mentoring in addition to schedulted meetings
  4. 24/7 Support
  5. New Service starting Q2 - 2020 - We will offer online version (Of this program for Sales Leaders that find it difficult to attend monthly meetings in person
Make next year the best ever by joining SLC (Sales Leadership Council)


When you need to react quickly to changing management challenges - This service is just for you.

Some of the challenges this service can help with are:

  • Manager Unexpectantly Resigns
  • Manager needs to be dismissed quickly
  • New Pilot Project needs management now
  • Manager leaves on a Sabbatical
  • Fast Growth - Need new manager yesterday
  • Shift of Strategy
  • Mentoring new Manager
If you know that finding a manager that is familiar with your industry, fits with your culture and team may take 2 to 6 months - This service is perfect for you.

We will also help you with recruitment, interviews, training, professional hand offs and be available for the next 30 to 90 days


It is amazing how much more productive your meeting could be by moving it to off-site. The air is different, scenery is different, no interruptions and creativity flows.

Several reasons to consider Retreats:

  • Celebrate Achievements
  • Solve Critical Problems
  • Develop Business Plan for next year
  • Develop Strategic Initiatives
  • Bonding with Senior Managers
  • Create a turn-around Plan
  • Agree on Priorities
  • Team Building Exercises
  • Relevant Training Sessions
  • When you need Innovation and Creative ideas
  • Change Management - What, how and why
  • Budget Meetings
  • Developing a new Corporate Culture
  • Fun + Relaxing Events


The Gold Standard for Sales Teams:

This unique service is valuable when:

  • Senior Management wants to find out how good is their sales team - with no bias - Does it meet the Gold Standard?
  • Senior Management team is considering M&A and wants to find out how good is the other's company sales team? Beyond the P&L - Providing the Senior Managers with no surprises later.
  • If you are thinking of selling your company, having a Gold Standard sales team will make your company more valuable
Our in-depth Analysis includes:
  • Quality of Sales Team (5 Factors)
  • Quality of Sales Leadership (7 Factors)
  • Quality of Support Staff (6 Factors)
  • Quality of Sales Calls
  • Quality of Coaching Sessions
  • Sales & Marketing Cohesion
  • Lead follow-up process
  • Turnover - Reasons
  • Sales Metrics
  • Flexibility of Sales Team
  • Customer loyalty - Real or Imaginary?
  • Lost Sales - True reason beyond "Price"
  • In Sync or out of Sync
  • Lost Opportunities
  • Corporate Image?
This service is designed to help Senior Managers in making serious decisions.

Contact us on how the 11 Key Performance Indicators and the Gold Standard could make a Difference.


One thing that small to mid-size companies can learn from Fortune 500 - many of them have moved from having their own training department to "Learning Centers." The new focus is on having a skillful workforce that is committed to continuous learning versus attending a 1-day training session. The end result is having an agile, experienced and skillful workforce that is able to handle any situation. This function is managed by a new position, the CLO (Chief Learning Officer) who reports to CEO directly.

For small to medium-size companies, training employees is normally handled by HR (which is busy handling their own HR issues), or by the manager directly, which means that there is no cohesive training strategy, resulting in questionable performance improvements and higher cost.

By using a shared resource model GPS4SALES is now making "UR Learning Center" concept available to small to mid-size companies at a fraction of the cost.

Situation: Sales Management wants to send 2 salespeople for sales training -

  1. Which training to choose & why?
  2. Which trainer?
  3. Can I get it at a lower Price?

1. Since the Sales Management may send 2 salespeople for training per year - quite often he/she does not spend the time researching what is the best, the latest, more relevant, and most cost effective. GPS4SALES - With our database of training providers and their performances, we have the answer.

2. Best Trainer? This question is very rarely asked and yet we know that having the best trainer can make all the difference in learning environments. With GPS4SALES database, we know which trainers are the best, average or trainers to avoid, resulting in maximizing your training investment.

3. Lower Price? Manager sending 2 salespeople rarely gets a lower price. Let's assume we have 100 companies participating in the "UR Learning Center" concept and each wants to send 2 salespeople for training every year. At 200 potential enrollments we will be able to negotiate a much lower price and insure that you get the best trainer.

No other company offers this innovative service

How will this work? UR Learning Center will Reside at your location and GPS4SALES Staff will manage this. We will provide the following services:
  • Meet with Senior Management team to determine what skills will be needed during the next 3 years
  • Identify possible Stars and put them on a "Fast Track" program
  • Career planning session with Employees
  • Training Records
  • Orientation Sessions
  • On Boarding plans for new hires
  • Provide training & application plan to insure skill development
  • Determine trainable emplyees
  • Manage a budget
  • Assist with 90 day Probation period
  • Assist with (PIP) Performance Improvement Plan
  • Develop Portal for employees to use
End Result: Highly Trained and Effective Workforce


When things look bleak, sales are down, morale is low, sales stars leaving, cash is low, creditors calling 24/7, and you know that you may have only 3-6 months before filing bankruptcy. Your choices are:

  • Keep situation "as is" and hope for the best
  • Provide new company t-shirts and pep talk
  • Contact GPS4SALES for fast, reliable and effective sales turnaround service
This is the time to take some drastic action since doing what you have always done is not working. Less talk and a lot of well-defined activities. Our Sales SWAT Team is ready to make this happen today. Our CPR Sales SWAT team can quite often do the impossible.

Relieve the Stress with our proven 5 step turnaround plan:
  1. Quick Analysis
  2. Strategic Action Plan
  3. Manage the Plan
  4. Make adjustments as required
  5. Celebrate Results
At any time during this process we will let you know if:
  1. RED - There is little chance of turnaround
  2. YELLOW - There is good chance of turnaround
  3. GREEN - Excellent chance of turnaround
Just like a heart attack patient needs CPR - They don't continue to experience their pain and hope for the best. They call 911, and quickly get the professional help needed to save their life. The same can be said for business.